Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Last Usability Test

Welcome to the usability evaluation of hub squared. Thank you for taking time to be a part of this evaluation. My name is ________. We're working on the design of this site and want to identify usability issues. We're testing the site, not you. There are no wrong answers so feel free to speak freely about the site. I'm going to ask you to complete a series of tasks which will take about 20 min. I'll be asking you to please think aloud as you work, saying what you are thinking and how you think the site functions. This is voluntary and you can stop at any time. Do you have any questions before we begin?

1) Please Log in as a guest
2) Look for information about this site
3) Click in one of the classes that you have previously added
4) Look for class specific materials
5) Looked for videos relevant to your class
6) Engage in a discussion with all your classmates
7) Engage in a discussion with your project group
8) Please log out

1) Do you think a collaboration website would be useful to you?
2) Did you have trouble navigating the site?
3) Did you feel like you had to leave our site at any point to look for additional information somewhere else?
4) How do you feel about the layout?
5) Are there any parts of the site that are confusing to you?
6) Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Conclusions from class evaluation
From this evaluation we found that it wasn't clear why the "Always Linked" button refereed to. This is the second time a user mentions the same thing so we will definitely be changing it to something more descriptive. So far we might be changing it to "relevant links" or maybe just "links".  According to the user, everything else was clear and the layout was consistent. Even though she had no trouble locating the contact information we want to add a still footer to the layout. That way the contact information would be always in view.  She also mentioned how she would definitely use the site for bigger lectures. We might change the site description to make it more concise. The user felt that the description paragraph was too long and she probably wouldn't read it. In general, she thought that the layout was clear, consistent, and the website very useful.

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